Thursday, April 25, 2019

Marketing is no longer this mystical thing

Marketing is no longer this mystical thing

Marketing is no longer this mystical thing everything is trackable everything is measurable. Everything we do every action that we take only in our marketing has one purpose and what is that purpose marketing is math and appointments. if you want to have exponential growth on appointments so let's be clear look up here guys when Isay to your marketing that is making phone calls doing open houses sending out a social post doing something on facebook writing an email having a billboard having TV in radio it's the whole gamut everybody with me on this marketing isn't just a 

postcard or an advertisement it's everything you do everything that you're pushing out to the world to let them know you experience and that you want to help them that's marketing yes so here's the five things number one he said have only one outcome for everything you do have only one outcome for everything you do I said what do you mean he said Tom I live in Santa Monica California Jack Burton who's in this room he said I know jack right I know all the top agents they all market to my house and he says he says every one of them sends me a postcard that looks like this look at all my reviews I can help you but I can help you sell here's some information about the schools and there are nine more things and here's my phone number forty-three times and a photo that doesn't look like me.

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